Schultüten aus Stoff mit Namen

About Us

Welcome to the Zauberknopfli Atelier

I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Sabrina Schlereth and I live with my family in the beautiful town of Taunusstein.

I am supported by my creative family, in which everyone has their own direction. Mr. Zauberknopfli (Volker) loves working with wood and has created our wonderful Advent calendars, among other things, our daughter Cilia is studying interior design and has an incredible talent for drawing, and our son Cedrik - also a student - spoils us with his culinary creations.

I personally love combining fabrics and colors and always developing something new. Over time, I have specialized in making school cones. If you browse our website, you will discover many other items.

Let us enchant you.

Your Zauberknopfli Team

Volker, Sabrina, Cilia & Cedrik

We would like to recommend two friendly websites to you:

Claudia paints beautiful pictures of animals that make you smile. In our region, these great pictures often hang in doctors' offices. She made one especially for our studio. Just come and see her.

Like us, Anna makes wonderful school cones and offers pretty dresses for the first day of school. We would also like to recommend her website.

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