Schultüten aus Stoff mit Namen

fabric candy cone

Fabric candy cone with name for girls and boys

Eine Schultüte aus Stoff für Mädchen mit einem bestickten Faultier in der Mitte.
Eine Schultüte aus Stoff für Jungen mit einem großen gestickten Panther
Ein Schultüte aus Stoff mit einem gestickten Einhorn in der Mitte.
Eine Schultüte aus Stoff für Jungs. In der Mitte ist ein Fußball gestickt, der in ein Netz fliegt.

A big, exciting day that will become a wonderful memory

School cones made of fabric have been around for a few years now and the trend is getting bigger every year. The great thing about it is that you have an everlasting memory, because you can either put the fabric cover in a memory box to save space or easily convert it into a sustainable pillow.

We have a huge selection of sugar cones that we lovingly handcraft for you in our small family business.

Do you have a special wish for your school cone?

Of course, we can accommodate special requests when making your school cone. We ask that you contact us early. We start the new season in the autumn. As the saying goes, "The early bird catches the worm". In the peak season, we have delivery times of up to 8 weeks - unfortunately, during this busy phase, we are no longer able to accommodate special requests.

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